Yesterday, I met a good friend for lunch. We hadn't seen each
since just before Christmas so had plenty to catch up on. How we had spent our
time, the people we had seen, the presents we'd given and received. Weather,
family, books read, films seen, work, relationships, good times and bad times:
it was all there. We devoured our lunches, satisfied with both our food and
conversations. It was then we became aware of the people around us. Couples,
families, groups of friends. And it would appear, many had invited their phones
too. Shamefully I looked down at mine. I hadn't used it but it was still there,
like the extra guest. I wasn't expecting a call, text or email.
As I drove home, I thought about the phones on the tables: the ‘plus
ones’ and how they were part of so many gatherings. And I
wondered if I could go without my phone and just be in the moment. To spend
time with a friend without a sneaky peek at Facebook to see who else was about
and what they were doing. To just be.
So I'm having a little break from Facebook. It's a start. Will I
miss out? Or will I gain? I'll let you know. But don't expect to see any more
status updates. Because I'll be just fine.