Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Fireworks and explosive CVs

Whether you celebrate bonfire night or Diwali, you cannot help but notice that it's firework season. Dark nights, a chill in the air, fireworks appear to be our last final attempt at brightening the sky, ready for our long winter. I like to watch fireworks as much as the next person, but I'm equally fascinated by the reaction of the people below. Whether it's squeals of delight, "oohs and aahs", or the covering up of the ears, we all respond in our way to pyrotechnics.

Your CV is a bit like a firework. In a very short space of time, you are trying to grab the attention of the spectator and make them notice you. Hopefully the response will be cries of delight and they will be thrilled by the spectacle. You really don't want them to cover their eyes and dread the next one.

How do you create impact? Firstly it's about presentation. It needs to look good. That means that your CV should be clear, concise and complete. You want the reader to remain focused. By working out what the reader wants, you can make sure that you structure it in a way to help them see your great skills, achievements and experiences. You've got a small space of time (on average about 20-30 seconds) so cut the waffle and bullet point the key messages. 

But style without substance is like a flash of light:blink and it's gone. You need to hold the reader/spectator by ensuring that there's something there of interest. Look at what they are expecting and make sure you"sell" it to them. It doesn't have to brag or show off; it just needs to be honest and positive. You want a positive response that you've done well and that they are interested enough to want more. 

Not sure how to make your CV sparkle? Why not visit my book? I've created a number of different CVs and show how to make it shine. Go light up the sky and let the world see you've got something great to offer.